Online education is a great idea. It opens up opportunities for many people who could not otherwise attend a university. My wife attends Kaplan University. The education is decent, but there's one feature to watch out for - phone harassment. We get a call every day complaining about one thing or another. There's no point in answering and trying to explain the situation, the calls are sent from a call center by ignorant and often hostile representatives.
Most often the calls are about money. One of their favorites is "you need to fill out this financial aid form, or your aid will not be disbursed". Never mind that we pay tuition in advance. They will have none of that. Some are bold enough to say they are going to keep harassing us until we sign a promissory note for money that we don't owe. Then there's the outstanding balance calls. Never mind that our bank shows our tuition checks have been cached.
These people put bill collectors to shame. Had we known it would be like this, we would have looked for other options.
Thread locking in SQL Server
I just discovered a cool system stored procedure in SQL Server.
sp_getapplock allows you to do thread locking in T-SQL without creating
surrogate DB object...
11 years ago